Coming to Completion
As we walk around One Saint Stephens on these final days before handing over the building to the community that will make it their home, we are immensely proud of what has been created by so many hands.

The stone façade rises with quiet strength, a timeless promise of endurance and elegance. The flowing entranceway curves towards the central hub and private amenities, the future home of many a celebration and more than a few quiet drinks.
The swimming pool, soak pool and sauna are already warm, ready to welcome those weary after the grand task of moving into their new homes.
Inside each apartment lies the canvas of a future—a place for stories yet to unfold. Each resident will bring not just themselves but their furniture, new and old, their memories and plans, their personalities and passions. They will bring all of themselves to their new apartment as they make these spaces their own.
It has been our privilege to envision and bring One Saint Stephens to life. Now, we look forward with anticipation to seeing it come alive with the vibrancy and warmth of the people who will live here. The pleasure has been ours; soon, it will be theirs.